Build Instructions [plain text]
Kerberos Manager Build Instructions

In order to build Kerberos Manager you will need:

 - CodeWarrior Pro 4
 		Full MacOS Install
 - CodeWarrior updates
 		Interfaces&Libraries 3.2
 		CW Pro 4.1 IDE 3.3 patch
 		CW Pro 4.1 Mac Compiler Patch MSL
 		PowerPlant 1.9.3
 		PowerPlant 1.9.3 errata
 - Finder Flags Post-linker CodeWarrior Plug-in
		Included with this distribution in KerberosManager:Tools:Finder Flags CW Plugin,
		must be installed in CW folder (see below)
 - MIT Support Library
 - MIT Kerberos Library
Install all CodeWarrior updates (you'll have to enter the PowerPlant errata by
hand) and follow the instructions for rebuilding MSL and MacHeaders.

Copy the "Finder Flags PostLinker" and "Finder Flags Panel" from the
KerberosManager:Tools:Finder Flags CW Plugin: directory to the CodeWarrior
Plug-ins directory.

Kerberos Manager can be built against both sources and SDKs for MIT Support Library
and MIT Kerberos Library.

If you want to build Kerberos Manager against the SDKs, you should just put
Kerberos Manager and SDKs in the layout below, and follow the build

If you want to replace an SDK with a source distribution, you need to build
the source distribution before building Kerberos Manager. The layout below
still applies.

Building Kerberos Manager

1. Get MIT Support Library and MIT Kerberos Library and put them in the
following layout:
		- MITKerberos
			- MITKerberosLib
			- KerberosManager
		- MITSupportLib
		- ThirdParty (only if building against MIT Support Library source distribution)

2. If you are building against source distributions, build them following their
respective build instructions.
3. Launch CodeWarrior IDE 3.3 .

4. Open MITKerberos:KerberosManager:Projects:Kerberos Manager.prj .

3. Build all targets.

The build takes approximately 10 minutes on a 9600/300 .

Why the Finder Flags Post-Linker is Needed

Version 1.0.2 of Kerberos Manager (included with MIT Kerberos for the Macintosh 2.5
release) is now an 'APPL' with a 'rout' resource that tells the Finder to put
it in the Control Panels folder (under MacOS 8.0 or later), instead of an 'APPC'.

However, in addition to the 'rout' resource, a special Finder flag must be set
on the Kerberos Manager file to tell the Finder to use the 'rout' resource. 
There is no standard way to set this bit in CodeWarrior.

The included "Finder Flags" plug-in is a Post-linker plug-in that allows you
to set this Finder flag and others.

The targets of Kerberos Manager are set up to use the FinderFlags Post-linker

See "Technote 1142:Mac OS 8.5" for more information about the 'rout' resource.

You can find the source for the Finder Flags Plug-in at:



Documentation is inside the MITKerberosLib:KerberosManager:Documentation folder.

Generated by GNU enscript 1.6.4.